Radio site management
The aim is to allow the introduction of new frequencies and installations without causing harmful interference to those already in place. This requires, on the one hand, the maintenance of "notarial" databases recording the rights associated with transmitters and assignments and, on the other, procedures to verify the compatibility of requested frequencies with the existing "radio landscape".
The ANFR must give its approval for the installation or modification of any transmitter with a power of over 5 watts (with the exception of transmitters operating in bands managed by the CSA, for which the Agency only issues an opinion). Assignees and operators send their application files via a teleprocedure linked to a database managed by ANFR called "STATIONS". These applications are examined by the relevant licensees and operators within the Sites and Servitudes Committee (COMSIS), to ensure that new transmitters will not interfere with the operation of existing ones. The ANFR analyzes the opinions before taking a decision, and also checks that the provisions of the decree of May 3, 2002 on public exposure to electromagnetic radiation are respected.
Discover the website
Cartoradio is a cartographic tool for presenting relay antennas and the electromagnetic field measurements they create on a single map.
Cartoradio provides information on the location of radioelectric stations, as well as access to the results of electromagnetic field measurements for a given site, summarized in a measurement sheet. To access the results, the user enters an address, or zooms in directly on the map.
Servitudes d'utilité publique (public utility easements) protect certain government radio stations against interference (various electromagnetic radiations) or obstacles (buildings and other structures). Some 5,500 stations are protected by 10,000 decrees. ANFR is responsible for preserving easement files and updating the resulting "notarial" database. This database can be consulted online, enabling administrations and project developers (major works, wind turbines, quarries, etc.) to be informed of the existence of easements that could impact their study area.
The establishment of easements is the responsibility of their managers, i.e. the ministry or department benefiting from the easement, as specified in the decree or order instituting the easement. Under no circumstances can ANFR take the place of the manager, who alone is authorized to answer questions concerning the easement.
In accordance with article R. 20-44-11, 4° of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code (CPCE), ANFR is responsible for maintaining the Fichier National des Fréquences and notifying national assignments to the International Frequency Register of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), for which it is the sole contact.
In this capacity, it draws up registration procedures and steers the work of the Frequency Assignment Committee (CAF) and the Satellite Systems Commission (CSAT), which implement national and international consultation and coordination initiatives.
The chairmen of the CAF and CSAT are appointed by the ANFR Director General. The committees report to the Director General and work in liaison with ANFR's other consultative commissions, particularly the Commission d'Évolution du Spectre (CES).
These commissions or committees include members representing the ministries and administrative authorities participating in ANFR's Board of Directors, and may request the participation of experts deemed necessary for the commission's work to proceed smoothly. The resulting documents are communicated to the participants only.