Mobile video links

Mobile video links are used to transport video signals between an audiovisual production site and a collection station, which redirects the signals to the production or broadcast studio. These transmission systems are generally made up of portable wireless video cameras on board all types of land and air vehicles. They are mainly used by audiovisual and entertainment professionals and are an everyday work tool on television, on stage or in the music and film industries (news reports, political, cultural or sports events, game shows, etc.).

The use of frequencies for mobile video links is subject to prior individual authorisation granted to the user as a person. Such authorisations are granted for a maximum of two months.

The holder of an authorisation to use frequencies assigned individually by decision of the ARCEP, is subject to the payment of a state fee for the availability of the frequencies and a management fee, the amounts of which are determined in accordance with the provisions of decree no. 2007-1532 of 24 October 2007 , as amended, and its implementing order of 24 October 2007, as amended.

Annex 8-2 of the national frequency band assignment table lists the frequencies that can be assigned to mobile video links. In addition to annex 8-2, other frequencies may be assigned after coordination on a case-by-case basis with the assigning authorities of the frequencies and in accordance with the technical conditions they may impose.

Important: as from 2023, the use of channels in the 2.2-2.29 GHz band for mobile video links will be restricted as a result of sharing with other assigning authorities throughout France. As a result, make sure you to prefer other bands when applying for frequencies.