How is SAR checked in Europe and in France?
To gain access to the European market, mobile phone manufacturers must compile a file proving that they meet the requirements defined by European Union (EU) directives. Compliance with SAR limit values is imposed by European directive 2014/53/EU (RED directive).
No checks are carried out by authorities prior to marketing, but Member states keep the possibility of checking that these requirements are met in the future. In France, the ANFR (National frequency agency) is in charge of checks relating to radio-frequencies. On a random basis, the ANFR checks the presence of the mandatory statements, especially the SAR information, in the documents accompanying the phone. It also has the possibility of taking terminals from points of sales, requesting the entire manufacturer self-certification file, and then to have SAR claims checked by accredited laboratory measurements. Every year, the ANFR carries out about a hundred in-depth checks using laboratory-checked SAR measurements. In 2021, this number of in-depth checks was been increased to 140 with the arrival of 5G.

European regulations: the RED directive
The RED directive of 16 April 2014 came into application on 11 June 2014. It has been applicable since 13 June 2016.
The previous directive (RTTE) applies to radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment put onto the market until 12 June 2016 included.
During a transitory period (from 13 June 2016 to 12 June 2017), manufacturers had a choice of complying with the RTTE or the Red directives. Equipment put onto the market under the RTTE directive could continue to be sold without limit.
Since 13 June 2017, only the RED directive applies. It especially provides that SAR measurements take into account “reasonably foreseeable” use distances.
Extension of the obligation to display the SAR
To improve public information and take into account changing consumption patterns and the appearance of new devices that may expose consumers to radio waves, decree 2019-1186 of 15 November 2019 published in the Official Journal extends the obligation to display the SAR to all radio equipment intended to be used close to the human body: phones, tablets, certain connected watches and laptops, etc. For the record, it was only compulsory to display the SAR for mobile phones. This obligation, which came into force on 1st July 2020, allows consumers to make informed choices about their equipment.

To make it easier for manufacturers and distributors to understand and apply these new regulations, the ANFR has published a guide that can be downloaded below.